Thursday, March 06, 2014

Ashtag wednesday

Dust to dust this is a you tube link to experiments on how much of life I do not understand. Kinda long so get some tea and honey.

I finished reading last night The Secret Teachings of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner. A buddy sent me this link to two of his podcasts.

Nice listen.
They are the 26 and 27 listing down the page, look for
Lost Language of Plants and the Perceptive Heart

When we rendered the heart as nothing more than a pump

we essentially colonized the soul or spirit of ourselves as rather lifeless.

How much of life am I missing?
breathe in

what plants are you drawn toward?
the mango tree is telling me about myself:
the familiar warmth of the one beside you, wearing the same old worn pjs, can awaken a heart of deep tenderness.

what spontaneous feeling does your plant draw out in you image wise?

the good old days when milk was delivered to our back door and the time the paper cap rose up out of the bottle on a column of cream because it was so cold.

does that image tell you about your self?
i won't be able to exit life the way we exited the movie theater, holding hands and wondering where we parked the car.

how do we feel better?
by walking and not letting my mind perspire.

what happens when we come to our senses?
silence can be eloquent

The mango and I are more than the sum of our parts.
we both can block out the prattle and stand tall in our solitude sanctuaries.
diminishing strength and health dictated the change in our lives...and both of us are surviving our transplants
settling our roots deep into the new soil
we not only survive but bloom again.

Wendell Berry's poem
To Tanya at Christmas

together here two trees

whose lives in annual sheddings

made their way into this ground
whose bodies turn to earth
and song.

The song will tell
how old love sweetens the fields


Dona said...

I liked the Fat Tuesday party. Missed you at the Awake the State March yesterday.

Carolyn said...

Did you see how the cabbage plant knew which scientist had pulled off all the leaves of his friend plant? Made me want to move all my kitchen windowsill herbs to another room. Is that why ,y cilantro keeps dying? It knows I am chopping up and eating too many peppers and onions

Fernando said...

Ho ho howdy too!
My husband doubts the shrimp!
Ashtag roots are growing under earth are like Lent producing the spring birth.
One love, Fernando

So you think you can dance?

i love rolled up socks