Tuesday, July 25, 2006

bewildering boy treasure to be made whole

Exhibit A I am truly cracked how to take holes and make whole?

now stop laughing Jenny see how blessed ya be with girls ... he found this on the way home

wants her to be opposite with black with white i was wondering if mocha wouldnt hide the repair spot better? but what color with a mocha? 
now imagine her without the laundry basket LOL all hands on deck to help me LOL 
  Posted by Picasa he has the glass top for the table which is prolly worth more then his treasure but he is 19 LOL

would you just try to mend with plaster or what about fiberglass like a boat or car repair? what would you do with hole?


Aunt Jenny said...

Okay..this reminds me of the leg lamp with the fishnet stockings that the dad won in the movie "A Christmas Story"..that the little boy called "Electric Sex"!!
How funny!! Good luck with her

Susan Hess said...

I'd just put a garter or two over the hole...maybe glue them in place so they don't slide around.
lazy way out ;)

kansasrose said...

I have been tryin to figger out where the holes are? You could redo the whole table Big E...get ya some plaster of Paris and have your boy find a willing and limber female on the beach to bend over like that and he can become the "plaster master" and make a new cast for a table!!!!! Hmmmmmm...then again maybe not....:O

Ellen said...

love the electric sex LOL
and the garter is a good idea for the hole in her leg... she has a hole in her shoulder and a crack across her chest that comes from that hole... what about the battleship tattoo on her chest? or really disappoint him and glue tassels on the nipples?

So you think you can dance?

i love rolled up socks