the room, i am tiling, used to be carpet.
the hall way ended here, with a small tile meeting the carpet, under the door threshold.
so to make this not an eyesore, with the add on project look, I chipped up the old little tile in the hall.
you can see from the boot photo that I will have approximately a 10" tile piece to fill the gap of the little hallway tile and the last bedroom and door threshold tile.
this chipping eliminated, too, the green paint that ran down the hall in the grout and on a few tiles... green monster trails came from my youngest boy who had spilled his green orc army paint all over his desk, the white carpet and onto his black sweats and socks and in his hurry to clean up, tracked it everywhere years ago.
the empty nest redo is removing all my kids love marks :(
there is a crack in the foundation, under the tile too, so I have ended up popping up more than just the 3 doorway tiles...but I broke the sledge hammer last night
talk about whacked!
so with the delay
of no store open yet
i am outside on the laptop
by the pool this morning
check out my mosquito shocker is in bloom.
I've decided on pelargoniums in containers, this year, for our defense when sitting by the pool.
we can only hope they along with the rosemary edgings and lemonbalms will help defend us.
do you have a mosquito remedy?
I like your mesquito catcher! thanks for stopping by to visit
Low frequency buzzer I wear on my collar from w*art keeps them at bay. They think i'm one of them.
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