Friday, March 13, 2009

Always bring a mirror of non-existence as a gift

I heard it said " all paths are earthen"

Observe how water is with

the ground, always moving toward the ocean, though the ground
tries to hold water's foot

and not let it go.

reflect on the gold that doesn't grow on trees.

air is mixed with dust, veiling the sky,
my eye is prevented from seeing the sun;
but when the dust is gone, the air once again becomes pure.

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We know the taste

of pure water.
Words can sound like a poem but not have
any juice, no flavor to

How do you make relish? That's the question police said thieves

to see the sky the world over
Join the gang, play SkyWatch Friday



kansasrose said...

e...thanks for takin' the time and choosing your words to write the beautiful comment today. you can see/hear through the silence. let me know how the beanworld book reads. :)

Anonymous said...

great capture of a rainbow!!

So you think you can dance?

i love rolled up socks