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Kinda weird lit sky?
The little tiny weeny dot you see in the center of the screen is the Shuttle Discovery. There is a bright pinprick of light right beneath that is the solid rocket booster dropping off. A sunset way off to the west or my right, I mean my other right look left ;) back lit the oak tree pollen all orangey, while the sky relinquishes the launch of many dreams.
The shuttle is carrying a huge solar panel for the space station's solar wings. All in the name sustainability. Even space is going green, The shuttle has in tow too a local science teacher turned astronaut (Joseph Acaba ), Koichi Wakata, a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (or JAXA astronaut), who is to become his nation's first long-duration spaceflyer when he joins the station's Expedition 18 crew as a flight engineer for a six-month stay, and a replacement part for a failed processor in the station's urine recycling system. This machine, which was delivered to the ISS in November 2008, was designed to turn the astronaut's pee into drinkable water, though it has been malfunctioning since the start. Mission managers said they hope the spare part being carried up by Discovery will do the trick to fix the system, which is also essential for hosting double-sized crews on the space station.
Speaking of outhouses in space. Hey did you hear about the uproar over Bob Dylan's?
What would you do with this neighbor?
Emminger and his wife have installed five industrial-size fans in their front yard in an attempt to blow the odor back at Dylan. all in the key of E But they say the fans are no match for the ocean breeze that sweeps across the singer’s land.
The first time I read this paragraph the word fans inside a Dylanesque capade ( i made up another word) I saw a mosh pit visual of jumping fans before a stage. Did you? Stinking hippies, get it?
I've had a couple neighbor uprisings.
Mr.Shorty came over spouting off that the brace, we were pounding between four pine trees, was ruining his view while doing his dishes. Mentioning anything with flooring and roof could be seen, he said, needing builder permits. So we only built a swing. What do you say?
Further back: I'll never forget, Bess coming over to tell me Bull our german shep/huskie mix had something in her garden.
I go with her: we walk up to Bull still trying to cover up with the soil from around her gladioulus, a huge dead groundhog.
To more recently: Drove up to our mailbox when coming home, to find our neighbor has hired a guy to cut down our oak hammock. Telling him he has to stop, I tell him he is on my property. Knocking on the door to tell her she doesn't have my permission to hire folks to cut down our trees and asking for a replacement that I have yet to receive.
Something like this Utahian? U tah ians or Utes? sure not figured out the plural?
abstract cactus vent art
"Her name was Peromyscus leucopus, but she did not know it. I think it had been a long time since the mice around Port William spoke English, let alone Latin. Her language was the dialect of mouse, a tongue for which we humans have never developed a vocabulary or grammar. Because I don't know her name in Mouse, I will call her Whitefoot."
I don't know if those with mice in their house can read this one quite the same as those of us who only see them in the grove.
The best one still has to be Kevin blasting out the back of the kitchen wall when he took the gun to under the sink to catch that night time raider.
It was Kurt Vonnegut Jr. who said what the world needs now is not love, sweet love. What it needs is more common decency.Will she survive, her temporary home a knothole in a floating log carried along by the flood waters?
Porgy and Bess Pie
Mix together:
2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons cornmeal
2 tablespoons flour
Cream these dry ingredients with
1/2 butter
5 egg yolks, beaten
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake at 426 my finger slipped do you have a
digital oven? Do 425 for 15 minutes. Readuce heat to 375 degrees and continue
baking until filling will not shake or silver knife comes out clean.
beat egg whites adding 6 tablespoons sugar and 1/4 teaspoon cream
of tartar.
Spread on cooked pie and brown at 300 degrees. Are you getting
cooler? I like to tell folks complaining about our heat as I'm too cool to be
hot. Only to have them respond they would rather be hotties.
dust in the wind...40 mph today. severe tstorms this afternoon. possible tornadoes.
cool pic of the shuttle.
neighbor wars? i got one for owner across the road from us spread human sewage sludge to fertilize 9 months outta year on 300 acres for beans. We couldn't walk outside because of the stench. Big story on that one, someday I'll phone ya. Bustillo legal eagle.( did the research) It went to lawyers. epa backs this practice. Now he irrigates his 300 acres of corn on aquifer and takes our domestic well down to nothin in droughty summers. He isn't a farmer he's an a**hole..he's a retired rich guy who lives in town in mcmansion with no regard for the land or others. what was stinkin' on dylan's land?
Utahn. Yep.
And that was sure funny!!!!!!!
I have had the neighbor wars...only with my lilac murdering elderly gal neighbor.(MY LILACS) It wasn't pretty.
no answer on dylan's reek?
sorry i have been off line and didnt answer your request. i thought speaking of outhouses was enough for the clue: the little blue hyperlink all in the key of E like Bobo's songs had the newspaper backstory.
aunt jenny
i remember that one. you lost more losing lilacs then i did with the oak. i have totally let the hammock go and have a couple little oaks popping up to take their daddy's place.
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