What are tropical salad days?

The commitment to freshness results in a ever changing menu when the fruit and vegetables are this fresh.
With wild greens come wild names. Take lamb quarters. What do you call them, besides All good? Muckweed obviously isn't the most appetizing choice nor pigweed but bacon weed and fat hen lend a word with some taste certainty to the plate.
A tale tell sign our growing season is different then yours. Our county fair was this weekend. The farm society put on a fabulous exhibit of jellies, pickles, quilts, horse races, sack races and harvest. The giant size veggies like grapefruit size tomatoes are always my favorite winners to chat up on compost. I'm hunting for my Cinderella size pumpkin! I scored a specimen rule book this year.
How do you polish your tomatoes?
1 comment:
Oh my Ellen..that salad looks yummy..even at 11:15 pm I could have that right now...yum!!
Wow...our county fair is always in August. How fun to have it in the spring!!
I adore fresh tomatoes...My mouth just waters thinking about them. Mine are still in seed form. I will plant them in the little peat pots to start them next week no doubt!
Have a fun trip!!
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