Good to read you both!
Aunt Jenny, my feet seem to be getting bigger. The other night at bowling I had to go back to change my shoes out to a 9 1/2 because I could hardly get my toes uncrunched!
I bowled a 300!
Took 3 games to do it tho! hahaha!
My work mates and I have a team and are bowling after work against other retailers. We call it "happy hour bowling" ... however we bowl more than an hour, we go at it from 9:30 to midnight!
Makes for a short night when we have to be back at the store at 7am!
Here are our "happy hour" socks in our bowling shoes! My legs are the cat in the hat socks!

I LOVE those socks!!!
I wish I was a bowler...only have gone a few times in my life..not a pretty picture. I go now and then with the kids. I mostly keep score..and not well...and not any official way..but they aren't great bowlers either and don't have a clue..which works out well all around. The local bowling alley just got all re-done...we should go visit there!!
Have a fun week!!
Happy 4th of July. Happy birthday to the USA!!
Love the sox--I like the stripes best. I should show my sox someday.
I haven't bowled in years either and it would take more than 3 games to get a 300--maybe not.
Well--Keep on keeping on. MaryBeth
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